Monday, April 27, 2009

Concentration #12

Monday, April 13, 2009

Concentration #11
This is a work based on a picture I took in Spoleto, Italy. I remember beng fascinated by the huge night sky, the city lights, and the highlights on the big tower. I would like to make the city lights stand out more but am a little uncertain of where to go from here. I am happy with the base of the tower but think that I could work on the top of the some more. Basically, it just looks unfinished to me, but I don't know specifically what could fix it. However, if I continue to work on I do think that it will fit into my concentration well. I think there is risk-taking in that there is really only the solid structure of the tower while the rest of the work is flowing colors and abstracted. I do think this provides good contrast though.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Concentration #10
This work is based on a picture I took in Austria of a train very high up on a mountain. I used the suggestions of grounding the train more and added some shadowing. I also tried to make sure that the mountains in the background seemed far away and did not compete with my foreground. I think there's rhythm created through my cut pieces of paper and contrast between the geometric and organic shapes. I do think this work fits into my concentration as it is a memory that has stayed with me. I think I took risks by using such bright, shiny paper on the train. I wasn't sure if I would like the result but looking back I do like it and am happy that I took that risk.